It's february 2nd, which means 2 things: I haven't checked in with you in a while AND IT'S COLD!!! Today, the infamous groundhog is supposed to tell us what we're in for over the next couple of months... I don't know about you, but I hope his message is spring-centric! I've been writing articles, building seminars and reading a lot this winter. My competition horse has been vacationing in Colorado with my trainer and it's left me with some time to quietly work on research AND do some pilates. BUT he'll be home in about 5 days and it's time for me to start focusing on the show season (which starts for us in 86 days).
Goal setting is on my mind this week... and it reminds me of the importance of WHY we set goals. I'm currently working on a piece for a horsey magazine. I was asked to share some thoughts on how to mentally prepare for horse shows. It's a big, complex question... but it has a very clear beginning point: goal setting. It may seem trite, but it's an age-old practice that has gotten many people to where they're headed (including myself.) Make sure your goals help you to practice achievement on a regular basis, but also make sure they push you to the progress and satisfaction you desire!
Tell someone about your goals... This is an important step. I find that many people, these days, fear achievement as much as they fear failure. Confused yet? Sound silly? Typically, achievement means the bar raises... and there is certainly some unknown variables when that happens. "If I achieve my goals this year, that means I have to do better than that and I don't know if I can!" To this I respond with my mantra: "If your goals don't scare you, they aren't big enough." If you don't find yourself in little panics every once in a while, the goals probably aren't worthy of your path... and this circles us back to accountability. Don't let your self doubt and worry plague your ambitions.... your partner, mom, coach or best friend will be your biggest cheerleaders to get you through the valley of self doubt. So TELL THEM WHAT YOU WANT TO ACHIEVE! Write your goals down and email them to your support system.
So I'll just be sitting here, writing goals while I try to stay warm. I hope you're either warm, practicing or planning.... preferably a combination of all three! Happy goal setting...
Until Next Time,